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Doing Business in Today's Digital Age

Fun Number Facts for Google Rankings

This was mentioned in a previous post, but I think it deserves to be looked at again, by it's self.  Let's look at some numbers conducted in a study by Oberlo in January 2023. Here is what they found:

  • Google received 89.3 BILLION users a month. So if you aren't ranking in Google, we know for a fact that 89.3 billion people a year won't see you.
  • 91.9% of all internet searches were done with Google. Bing was a very far 2nd with 2.88%. If I am going to rank somewhere I think Google would be the place I want to rank with.
  • Google processes 99,000 searches per SECOND. That is 8.5 billion a day.
  • If you didn't think being found on the internet was that important, in 1998 Google processed 10,000 searches a day. By 2006 it was up to 10,000 per second. Now in 2022 it's at 99,000 per second. It's only going to get bigger.
  • For the question of ranking importance, an analysis was done of 4 million people. Of those 4 million only .63% scrolled past page 1 of the search results. That is only 25,200 people out of 4 MILLION. So is it important to be on the first page? Yes.
  • Let's break it down some more. For the businesses on Google Maps, the 1st listing gets 17.8% while position 2 gets 15.4% and position 3 gets 15.1%  On the organic listings, position 1 gets 39.8% while position 2 gets 18.7% and position 3 gets 10.2%  By the time you reach position 10, they only get 2.2%.  Can you guess what position 20 gets? Nothing.

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